Two years at Eventbr...
two year birhtday at eventbrite as software developer and intrapreneur for eventbrite

Two years at Eventbrite! What I've learned so far?

5 years ago
3 min read

Main Highlights

  • We launched a new startup within the company “Eventbrite Studio”
  • I started to work on Online Events, and now we’re preparing our second startup!
  • Eventbrite went IPO, and I experienced how the company has evolved.
  • Got a promotion in the first year of being at Eventbrite
  • I recently started to expand my responsibilities into tech leadership. Many things to learn, excited to get myself out of my comfort zone again!
  • Lots of mistakes, lots of lessons!

Six Takeaways out of These Two Years

Share My Goals Openly.

I may have a clear set of career goals, but that all does not matter if my manager or my peers don't know about them. I found it useful to be open and ask for help and coaching from others. "If nobody knows what I want, they won’t be able to help". It helps me a lot to write down my goals as OKRs or similar formats.

I Am No Longer Afraid To Talk About Hard Things.

I used to be scared about talking about things that we could improve or that simply I wasn’t comfortable with. Nowadays, I’m very open and upfront about all that. I find the right mechanisms to push changes and action items so we can keep improving team dynamics, and I continue to improve as a leader and Individual contributor.

Documents Are The Best Way to Collaborate Remotely and Push Big Projects.

Documents Are The Best Way to Collaborate Remotely and Push Big Projects.

I used to opt for informal 1:1s or technical video calls. More recently, I have started to rely more on asynchronous communication when kicking off new projects or functionalities. It turns out to be an effective way to get 360° feedback, involve everybody, and make sure that we make the best decisions we can as a team.

Investing Time in Onboarding New Engineers Pays Off.

I’ve onboarded three engineers that joined my team, either directly or in a supporting role. I wrote an onboarding document that my team has kept expanding and iterating on. These days we focus on pair programming and on helping the person be a successful engineer in our team and at Eventbrite.

Learning to Adapt my Communication Style is a Must.

I feel very comfortable talking with other developers. The challenge is how to adapt my style when talking with the product manager, designer, or even my manager. I pay attention to identifying what motivates each role to learn what type of information they want from me.

Pay attention to identifying what motivates each role to learn what type of information they want from you

Jira or It Doesn’t Exist.

More recently I’ve been actively working on the backlog for the frontend team: refining requirements, prioritization and technical breakdown. The longer I dedicate to “project management” tasks, the clearer the goals and action items we have as a team. I believe that having a healthy backlog is a shared responsibility of the product manager and the rest of the team.

Your Turn! What Have You Learned Since You Joined your Current Company?

I shared the lessons I learned, and now I'd love to read your own lesson learned in your current company. Send me a message on Twitter or LinkedIn. If you write a post, I’ll add a link in this post.

Let's keep going!

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Jorge Ferreiro is a Software Developer, entrepreneur and product manager

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