jorge ferreiro is planning to move to berlin

5 years ago


3 min read

Iโ€™m considering moving to Berlin or another entrepreneur-focused city, and I wanted to hear your thoughts!

Why Do Software Developers Need a Physiotherapist?

5 years ago


3 min read

Software Developers are professional athletes who need to do high performance using their hands, brain and back

5 TIPS and TRICKS to work from home as a FRONTEND SOFTWARE DEVELOPER to be productive ๐ŸŽฏ

5 years ago


3 min read

Sharing some tips that I'm applying to be comfortable at home. In this post, I'm going to share my tips to work from home as a software developer.

How to WORK FROM HOME as a SOFTWARE ENGINEER jorge ferreiro software developer and indie maker eventbrite

5 years ago


2 min read

Tips to work from home effectively as a Software Developer! ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ป๐Ÿ 

Introducing Developers In Depth, my new personal project

5 years ago


4 min read

Developers in depth is about helping Computer Science students to get their first job in tech and build a successful career

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Jorge Ferreiro is a Software Developer, entrepreneur and product manager

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