How to PRIORITIZE to...
How to prioritize to accomplish more significant projects and dreams

How to PRIORITIZE to deliver PROJECTS and reach GOALS ๐Ÿ’ฅ

3 years ago
2 min read

Are you always asking yourself if you are doing the right things to accomplish your goals? Congrats! You have the right growth mindset! However, focus and planning is key to meet deadlines.

In this post, I want to share one productivity tip that has helped me a lot. Let's go!

Think big, act small

Execution is the differential factor in making any ideas happen. However, I've made the mistake many times to start working on a project without having a clear winning strategy.

To avoid the paralysis by analysis, I find important to have a clear action plan and focus on what matters most first, by saying no more often and keep yourself accountable.

In order to deliver any project on time, we should say no more often and have a clear winning strategy

We also need to clearly communicate our goals with the team and make sure we break goals into smaller deliverables. The critical question to answer is, "How do I know what are the most critical tasks in any project?".

Prioritize or die

When we start working on something new, we frequently try to accomplish too much. It's a clear indicator that we don't have a good understanding of what's critical and what's besides.

I find it very important to list all the possible duties to accomplish a particular goal. Then, assign a rating to each task:

  • 0: Not essential
  • 1: Somewhat important
  • 2: Necessary
  • 3: Critical

Ranking each task will help you to prioritize and allocate resources accordignly. Then it becomes very straightforward for you to pick up the next most critial task. As a suggestion, discard anything else that doesn't matter and re-evaluate the prioritizes on a regular cadence (like once per week)

I hope these tips have been useful! Let me know your thoughts, and if you have any questions, Tweet me.

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Jorge Ferreiro is a Software Developer, entrepreneur and product manager

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